a train of thought - lost

The Fall of the Roman Empire. The 1881 Indian Uprising. Hitler's Invasion of Poland. And the Realm of Raging Winds

At the time, just like always - just like I always do on Sunday afternoons, that is - I was sitting at the kitchen table, listening to some innocuous music while catching up on a week's worth of entries in my diary. I make a practice of jotting down each day's events throughout the week, then writing them up on Sunday.


So until the hot pot was ready, I decided to pull together a few brief notes on the day's events so I could write them up in my diary next week. This is what I jotted down: Fall of Roman Empire, 1881 Indian Uprising, Hitler's Invasion of Poland.

Haruki Murakami - The Elephant Vanishes

6:07 p.m. - 2012-11-27